miercuri, 29 septembrie 2010

Megaton goes BOOOOM!

OK astazi va voi delecta ochii cu o surpriza, o bomba de surpriza, mai pe scurt am sa postez filmuletul cu detonarea bombei nucleare din Megaton, nu toti au facut acest quest deci poate fi ceva nou si super taree!! si pentru cei care au terminat jocul, vizionare placuta.

English translation:

Ok today i will delect your eyes with some eye candy, to be short i will post the detonation of the atomic bomb from Megaton, not all player did this ques even dough they finished the game, so it can be something new and mega cool!! Have fun watching it...in my opinion this is EPIC!

12 comentarii:

  1. I really need to get this game! My friends have it and I've palyed it a few times but man that was cool. Plus I live in the area it takes place so it's neat to see hometown landmarks!


  2. Ooooh countin the days till new vegas, bye bye social life for the next couple months

  3. New Vegas will be awesome. I need some VATS action.

  4. I watched my brother blow up this town!

  5. I didn't know this was actually possible...
    Going to try next time I play.

  6. I really enjoyed blowing up that fucking town

  7. I have never done this. The explosion looks pretty sweet tho

  8. i never blew up megaton in all my playthroughs of fallout3. i always used megaton as a central hub. can't wait for new vegas!

  9. So apparently I have to dust this game off now so I can do this.

    Freakin awesome man!
