joi, 30 septembrie 2010

Bobblehead Locations

Bun...astazi va voi oferi un tutorial despre cum sa intrati in posesia tuturor "bobblehead-urilor", un task care mi s-a parut destul de greu in timp ce ma jucam Fallout...vizionare placuta...sper ca va sunt de ajutor.

English translation: i will offer you a walkthrough on how to enter in possesion of all the bobbleheads in the game, a task that for me was a little tricky when i played Fallout...have fun watching it...i hope it will help you.

miercuri, 29 septembrie 2010

Megaton goes BOOOOM!

OK astazi va voi delecta ochii cu o surpriza, o bomba de surpriza, mai pe scurt am sa postez filmuletul cu detonarea bombei nucleare din Megaton, nu toti au facut acest quest deci poate fi ceva nou si super taree!! si pentru cei care au terminat jocul, vizionare placuta.

English translation:

Ok today i will delect your eyes with some eye candy, to be short i will post the detonation of the atomic bomb from Megaton, not all player did this ques even dough they finished the game, so it can be something new and mega cool!! Have fun watching my opinion this is EPIC!

duminică, 26 septembrie 2010

Fallout 3 secret

De data aceasta voi posta inca un filmulet interesant despre o cutie "misterioasa" aflata in locul numit scrapyard...daca nu stiti unde se afla inca nici o problema va veti da seama din filmulet, continutul acestei cutii este ca un fel de mini comoara...restul in filmulet, distractie placuta.

English translation:

This time i will post another interesting movie about a "misterious" box situtated in the scrapyard...if you don't know where that is iet you will realise from the movie, the content of this box is like a mini treasure...the rest in the movie, have fun.

joi, 23 septembrie 2010

Fallout New Vegas countdown:

Dupa cum stiti sau nu stiti...oricum va informez eu...urmeaza sa apara inca un joc din "natia" va numi Fallout New Vegas(ca in titlu)...din cate am citit nu va fi un se va utiliza de acelasi engine grafic...numai ca va avea un alt storyline...alte probabil si o harta gandesc eu:-?...ok de lansare se apropie cu pasi repezi fiind anuntata pe 19 octombrie 2010.
In continuare va las sa admirati trailerul de debut al jocului...vizionare placuta.

English translation:

As you know or not...anyway i will inform you...there is an upcoming game from the Fallout "nation"...that will be named Fallout New Vegas(as in the title) far as i know it will not be a sequel...but it will be utilizing the same graphic angine...just it will have another storyline...some new guns(even modern guns...i don;t know if this will spoil or not the games atmpshere)...and probably a changed map...and will be continuing the original storyline...ok ok...and the release date is aproaching really fast...beeing anounced to be 19th october 2010.
I posted the games debute trailer...hope you like it...i shore did...have fun watching it. :D

miercuri, 22 septembrie 2010

Am revenit...iar pentru ziua de azi va voi aduce la cunostinta cum sa intrati in posesia "puterii"dream crusher perk...aveti toata explicatia in filmulet. Vizionare placuta si sper ca v-am putut ajuta.

English translation:

I'm back...and for the day i will inform you on how to gain the dream crusher have all the explication in the movie clip. Have fun watching it and i hope i helped was really funny for me to watch this clip...because i resolved in another way this quest and i didn't get the dream crusher perk...i think i will replay that quest just to get the perk...have fun :D

Fallout 3 un joc obsedant

Salut...binea ati venit(accesat) pe blogul meu despre fallout 3...un joc care m-a tintuit in fata monitorului pentru o buna perioada de timp...un joc care nu m-a lasat sa ma barbiresc, sa ma intalnesc cu prietenii si sa mananc la orele la care un om cu un orar normal ar trebui sa manance.
Blogul este de-abia la lungul timpului il voi umple cu informatii folositoare pentru fanii jocului.
Pentru inceput va voi posta cateva screenshoturi si filmulete de gameplay ca sa va faceti o imagine despre acest joc(pentru cei care nu au mai auzit de el:P)

English translation:

Hi...welcome to my blog about this epic game Fallout 3...a game that kept me pinned in front of my monitor for a good chunk of time;))...a game that didn;t let me shave, meet with my friends, and eat at the hours a normal human beeing with a regular scheldude should eat.
The blog is just at it's the time passes i will fill it with useful informations for the fans of the game.
For starters i will post some screenshots and some ingame gameplay videos to give you an idea about this game (for those who have never heard of it: P)...have fun. :D